maandag 10 april 2023

Back home

   We've been traveling back home only by train, cause that's the best way for Gaia to prevent nausea. Due to a train accident earlier this weak it was impossible to travel through The Hague. Until next weak there will be no traintraffic between The Hague and Leiden Central. So from Schiedam we traveled to Rotterdam C. From there to Gouda. From Gouda to Alphen and from Alphen to Leiden. Left home at 9.30 and took the metro to Schiedam C and from there the train to Rotterdam. Gaia did it wonderful. No vomiting only afraid of getting into the train when there was a high step to get into the train so I had to carrying her into the train. So far so good 👍. 

At the train station.

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Early spring