woensdag 6 oktober 2021

Losing tooth


About a week ago Gaia was furious about another dog in the neighborhood and was biting to the dog throughout the iron fence. She couldn't reach the other dog but she hurts herself in the mouth. There was a front tooth bleeding and she kept likking her lips. It didn't feel well for her. It was a bad tooth already and I always thought it was infected; the colour was different and the position wasn't right. There was always a bad smell. Fortunately Gaia was chewing a treat she always gets when we come home after our late night walk and suddenly I saw something on the carpet and Gaia was likking and sniffing about it. When I looked closely and when I picked it up I saw it was the bad tooth. Now she finally get rid of it. I think it was painful for her but I couldn't do anything about it. Now she's missing 4 fronttheeth in her upper jaw. The other 3 she probably lost in Roemenia when she was abused or maby was hit by a car. I'll never know. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to look into her mouth (she hadn't any problem with that) but now she won't let me. I think it hurts. Well it's gonna be oké with her. She still got teeth and big ones too...She won't starve🤣.

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