vrijdag 19 april 2024

4 years in our mids

 Today 19th of April 2020 you came into our lives from a foreign country, abused and not socialized. You've learned a lot, changed over the years, gaining trust towards people and knowing and making doggie friends. Defending your home as a fortress, defeating cats by barking your lungs out and loving the people who cares for you. We love you Gaia and we hope you will stay with us for a very very long time!!❤💋

maandag 8 april 2024

Hoek van Holland 31-03-2024

 On the beach of Hoek of Holland. Unfortunately we were there on Sunday 31 nd of March Easter and we thought the weather would be fine but walking for about 15 min. it started to rain. So we went home but not before we've been eating some delicious " kibbeling" and we dropped a lot for you!!

Early spring