zaterdag 28 mei 2022
donderdag 26 mei 2022
woensdag 25 mei 2022
To Duinrell
Today we're going to Duinrell and stay there until Monday next week. Unfortunately the weather will be not that great but we hope we can walk a lot like we did last year. Gaia doesn't know yet 😅.
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Posts (Atom)
You're going out with Ita because I was in Amsterdam. Went to the musical Sweeny Todd with my sister Martha and Ruby. It was raining 🌧...
Some foto's from LP. With Cloë. You were just staying with us for 4 weeks ...(31-05-2020).
Vandaag de urn van Boromir opgehaald en dat was een wereldreis op zich. Onderweg naar huis had ik dus alle tijd voor het checken van mijn so...