woensdag 29 december 2021

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year

 Some last pics of Gaia. She loves to sleep in my bed. Christmas was very quiet with only my daughter and her boyfriend. Last week on a Tuesday she has bitten my neighbors dog. Well that's a long story, the leash slept out of my hand while my neighbor was opening his gardendoor for leaving his dog out. So Gaia could run off for the dog and in the fight she bit the dog. They hate each other. He could profent worse by picking up his dog. When I checked on the dog there was a biting wound on his back. So he took the dog to the vet and got medication to profent an abces. The bill is on my and now it's up to my ensuring company what to do with it. Suspent it or paying me the bill back. I will see. I'm very sad, cause Gaia almost hate every dog and goes nuts. 

Early spring