zondag 21 februari 2021

Early spring

 For almost  a week ago we had severe snow and ice with temperatures of minus 20 degrees. Today here on my terrace it's plus 12 degrees and increasing. Tomorrow we're aspecting it will be around 20 degrees. That makes a difference of 40 degrees. Gaia is outside enjoying the sun. She loves it.

An 1,5 hour walk with Gaia through the surrounding of our home. No dog was safe; Gaia snubbed them all. Still didn't overcome this behavior 😪. She never can run free, most of the time she will start a fight, but sometimes it goes well and she behaves like a normal dog and offers friendship. While walking on strange ground witch was not her territory she felt definitely insecure. Children were rollerscating and crossing a bridge was way to excited 😆.

zondag 7 februari 2021

Gaia in the snow

 On this day there's a blizzard going on. Lots of snow and an icy chilly wind makes it feel like - 15 degrees. It's dangerous on the roads and the surrounding of our home is hazardous. So we go out when it's necessary to pee. Gaia has a the fur of a wolf and when she came out in the garden early this afternoon she was full of joy. She likes the snow in contrast to me: I hate it. No trains are riding right now. So when you're out in a place for fun, you're stuck until tomorrow. It hasn't been this weather for the past 10 years. So we're making the best of it with iron spikes under our snowboots.

Early spring