maandag 15 juni 2020

Follow me....

After a very close encounter with Tess a well-known black Labrador and Gaia with fighting and biteing, it was clear to me that something have to change in the behavior of Gaia and other dogs. No more barking and pulling the leash until my hands are bleeding. Limit has reached. After a phonecall with Betty she recommended me a Halti, a Follow Me strap. I've noticed lately I've been a lousy leader who let Gaia take over control, which made me hating walks with Gaia. There wasn't any fun or joy left. I will give Gaia leadership and not the other way around. I've got some tips and hints from Betty so I took out Gaia this afternoon walking to the pet store meanwhile practicing the things I've thought her; waiting and sitting next to me before crossing the street. I didn't gave free space to walk but instead leadership by holding her close to me and by saying "follow me". Just a straight walk with learning moments for Gaia. It worked out very well and I'm so proud of her. So I can hug her again. But the petshop was a different story. Unknown for Gaia and she didn't want to go inside. This was a learing moment for me ' cause at that moment I realized Gaia as a straydog was unknown with shops. What is usely no big deal for other dogs it was for Gaia a huge step. I had treats with me and by throwing them into the shop Gaia decided to follow the path of treats. It took a while and people where laughing and trying to help but I refused and so Gaia made it at the end to get into the shop without any fear. Proud of her. We bought a Halti and it fits. She hates it already and tries to take it of. She will used to it and when it makes me a stronger leader instead of Gaia taking over I will use it in a proper way. No more dog bites and pulling leashes. I want to make our walks be great again.

zondag 7 juni 2020

Signed up

Gaia moet er aan geloven. Ik heb haar net ingeschreven bij de Martin Gaus hondenschool. We gaan 6 juli van start om 9.30. De theorie lessen zijn op de zaterdagmiddag via Zoom. We hebben er zin in! Gaia ook.

Early spring